Teach blendinglike magic.
Then, get ready for some
Blending Magic
Decoding practice doesn’t have to feel dull, dry, or disconnected.
It can be both engaging andMEANING-FULL!
With BLENDING MAGIC, you’ll bring a spark of magicas you help students connect sounds, words, and meaning.
Anchor your instruction in brain-friendly instructional moves and materials for beginning reading development.
Build children’s language comprehension, as they put the words they are reading into a meaningful context and learn language structures.
Help children develop both decoding skills and encoding skills, as they learn to read and write new words with confidence.
Transform word reading and writing practice with a spark of magic that helps children unlock the mysteries of the written code.
Learn How to Use the Magic!
$25/year for access to all100 Blending Magicresources:
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